Oh, sweet Valentine’s day…
It’s February the month to celebrate love and romantic relationships, to cherish your partner. Every year on this date we want to do something different for that special someone and usually, we may be inclined to offer chocolates, flowers, take our partner out on a date, etc.
This year has been atypical and chances are that couples won’t have the chance to celebrate this date like in past years, so this time I’m going to leave a suggestion to the ladies and gentlemen reading this article. Make 2021 memorable by giving your partner something, special, unforgettable even, given them an orgasm.
Now you may be thinking that “It’s nothing special” and, actually, for some couples, it isn’t because they probably know pretty well the “magic formula” that is: Knowledge + Practice + Communication = Better orgasms.
So today I’ll be sharing (some of) the knowledge you may need to know to give your special someone a (very) good time.
First things first, let’s make sure we are all on the same page.
The vulva (aka female genitalia) consists of:
- Vaginal lips (outer and inner);
- Clitoris (aka The Star of the show);
- Urethral orifice;
- Vaginal opening (aka The…