We’ve all watched porn at some time in our lives. It’s not me that is just saying. A research from 2020 noticed that 56,6% of its participants mentioned watching pornography at some point in their lives. Some watch it out of curiosity and never watch it again. Others, for numerous reasons, prefer to watch more frequently, which can be perfectly fine (to some extent).
So whether you watch pornography (porn) regularly, occasionally, or not, you’ve probably asked yourself: “When exactly does watching porn become too much?”
So in this article, I will discuss why people get addicted to porn, how to identify it, the causes, and how to treat it. But, first, let us start to clarify what is considered porn addiction.
So porn addiction occurs when there is a compulsive need to see it, despite the negative consequences. However, here is when things become tricky, so bear with me. Many professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, etc.) don’t see the “compulsive need” as a real addiction. Still, the symptoms are almost equivalent to behavioral addictions.
Regardless, it is commonly seen as addiction when negative consequences result from that behavior. In that case, it’s no longer an interest but rather an activity in which the person spends a lot of time on and isn’t able to finish essential tasks or interact with other…