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How to not go mad — Part 1

The Marvelous Mind


Nowadays, several things can make you go, as we say in common sense language, “mad”, “insane”, “out of your mind”, “crazy”, “bonkers”, or however you’d like to call it. In this article, you’ll find a detailed plan on how to avoid going mad in the near future.

Disclaimer alert:

There are no magic formulas, but a few things can help you be a little bit “less mad”. Having chosen a herculean task such as this one, I also warn you that this article will be fractioned into several parts.

So here are a few steps:

  1. First, invest in your ability to reinvent yourself.

With this, I’m not saying that you should be a completely different person at every moment (that would be extremely time consuming, and the people around will find it very difficult to keep up with), but to understand that life is constant change. You need to adjust your moves to the music that is playing. In other words, if you’re a bit obsessive when you are studying something complex, that doesn’t mean that you have OCD. It only means that it requires more effort on your side, and you’re able to respect and adapt yourself to this context.

Becoming more aware of your struggles, limitations and aspects that you would like to be better at gives you the knowledge and liberty to change (or accept) that aspect in…



The Marvelous Mind
The Marvelous Mind

Written by The Marvelous Mind

My name is Maria and I am a Clinical Psychologist. I enjoy reading, drawing and of course writing about various topics related to psychology and a few others.