Once upon a time in a parallel world of human marshmallows, there was a young marshmallow called Alex.
Alex found comfort in food and therefore was a rather chubby marshmallow.
When someone saw Alex, they just could not resist the temptation of prescribing it a diet.
At first, Alex would feel very sad — because no one likes to be judged like that — and when upset, the solution was always food.
While Alex was eating there was a good feeling, like really good, all the yumminess was satisfying but after it finished, and while looking at the empty boxes and bags of food a terrible feeling would start to grow, and Alex would proceed to criticize itself.
While looking at what had been consumed a voice within Alex started to grow stronger and stronger, and it was a specialist in beating Alex down to a pulp, saying things like: “You are a beast! You have zero self-control! Look at this! Other marshmallows walk, but at this rate, you want to roll your way to places! Things are already bad, and you only make it worse! At this rhythm, calling you chubby will be a compliment! You have no willpower! Others are right to call you fatty!”
Alex felt powerless, over this mean voice, the food consumption and, naturally, handling its emotions. As time went on, every time Alex walked into a…